
Since Griffin is 3, he’s speaking pretty much like a tiny adult. He tells full blown stories, has regular conversations, understands humor and sarcasm… it’s pretty amazing how quickly it all comes together, honestly. He still mispronounces a few words (sank you instead of thank you, etc) and he’ll ignore you when it’s convenient, but otherwise he’s Captain Chatty!

Evvie is just starting to find her words. She chats a LOT- I think in direct competition with her brother, but most of it is babble. She does say mama and dada, uh-oh, and “ba” for bottle. But then yesterday she said her first longer word! She currently points to EVERYTHING and when she does, I tell her what she’s pointing at. Yesterday she pointed to the pepper grinder so I said “pepper”. She paused and said “pe-pa!”. So funny. Maybe she’ll be a chef.

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